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Kurdistan, April 2007

Spring is in the air yet again. The very best time to be in Kurdistan.
Looking In
Looking In
Acting the Part
Acting the Part
Photography Girls
Photography Girls
Ginar fooling around for the camera
Ginar fooling around for the camera
The Rose
The Rose
Lunch at Zewa
Lunch at Zewa
Glimpse of a smile
Glimpse of a smile
who is that?
who is that?
walking in the rain
walking in the rain
Rana & Sohil
Rana & Sohil
Muhsin teaching the kids
Muhsin teaching the kids
Delzar Taking Notes
Delzar Taking Notes
Badinan School Student
Badinan School Student
Old Duhok
Old Duhok
Ahmad - Drama Teacher
Ahmad - Drama Teacher
Art Class
Art Class
Rezgar with pencils
Rezgar with pencils
Church Crucifix
Church Crucifix
Gorgis - Technical Expert
Gorgis - Technical Expert
the wedding cake
the wedding cake
Yes, this is a wedding cake!!!!
Yes, this is a wedding cake!!!!
The Wedding Party
The Wedding Party
Celebrating with traditional scarf waving
Celebrating with traditional scarf waving
Walking in to the Reception Hall
Walking in to the Reception Hall
Rana & Sohil
Rana & Sohil
Girls in Purple
Girls in Purple
Colourful Clothes
Colourful Clothes
Ranin with the Assyrian Flag
Ranin with the Assyrian Flag
A young Assyrian
A young Assyrian
Assyrian Bandana
Assyrian Bandana
Assyrian Support
Assyrian Support
Traditional Dress
Traditional Dress
the lion of Ishtar
the lion of Ishtar
local band
local band
Assyrian Marchers
Assyrian Marchers