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Anitta | all galleries >> Galleries >> UAE - DUBAI, ABU DHABI > The Palm Jumeirah Monorail
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The Palm Jumeirah Monorail

The Palm Jumeirah Monorail is a monorail line on the Palm Jumeirah island in Dubai.
The monorail connects the Palm Jumeirah to the mainland, with a planned further extension to the Red Line of the Dubai Metro.

Canon PowerShot G3 X
1/320s f/5.0 at 29.8mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Nick Paoni09-Dec-2016 15:28
A very interesting monochrome. Great use of a leading line. V
Gill Kopy09-Dec-2016 06:07
You popped over to Dubai ?? Love your shot - great composition V
Julie Oldfield09-Dec-2016 02:42
Superbly composed. Great curves and dramatic tones. V
Martin Lamoon08-Dec-2016 21:48
Follow the curves, a fine picture
Nestor Derkach08-Dec-2016 17:57
Nice monochrome photograph entrance and exit is splendid taking us through the scene.
Atmosphere enchanting and detail splendid with a soft city silhouette .
Stephanie08-Dec-2016 16:32
Magnificent leading of the eye and silhouette background! V
joseantonio08-Dec-2016 09:55
very nice POV for this great view.V
Yvonne08-Dec-2016 09:45
What an amazing image... ! v
Raymond Ma08-Dec-2016 06:40
A fantastic perspective. It reminds me of the yellow brick road that leads to Oz.
Daniel Lamothe08-Dec-2016 04:11
Simply beautiful, very impressive! V
Richard Glenn08-Dec-2016 02:50
Outstanding BW presentation. V
Neil Marcus07-Dec-2016 22:42
It is fabulous and your handling of it is expertly done. "VVV"
Ray :)07-Dec-2016 21:16
Fabulous composition!
John Reynolds LRPS07-Dec-2016 21:02
An impressive cityscape. V.