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Jennifer Zhou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Story of Rachel > Who are you? Shanghai, China, 2009
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Who are you? Shanghai, China, 2009

Sony DSLR-A100
1/40s f/4.0 at 22.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
JSWaters19-Aug-2009 19:46
What a beautiful image - full of life and irrepressible joy.
Ray :)19-Aug-2009 15:39
Priceless :)
Phil Douglis14-Aug-2009 21:08
One of my favorite images of Rachel -- it is abstract, incongruous, rich in human values. An image of a child confronting her own image -- great scale incongruity. Rachel seems to be fascinated with the photograph of herself -- she wants to hug the kid in the picture but can't seem to get into the frame with her. Meanwhile the Rachel inside the big print is having a wonderful time engaging the real Rachel. A fantastic image that Rachel will treasure always. And so will you. And so will all of us.
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