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Edited pictures of my children

These are pictures that I have edited of my three children.
one month collage.jpg
one month collage.jpg
Christmas card 2007-2.jpg
Christmas card 2007-2.jpg
fall road task.jpg
fall road task.jpg
Make a wish....
Make a wish....
Daddy's shoes
Daddy's shoes
Braedyn holding a leaf
Braedyn holding a leaf
Cailynn out-of-bounds
Cailynn out-of-bounds
feed goose
feed goose
valentines 2007
valentines 2007
Grandpa and braedyn
Grandpa and braedyn
Christmas card 2008 2.jpg
Christmas card 2008 2.jpg
Christmas card 2008.jpg
Christmas card 2008.jpg
grandma birthday.jpg
grandma birthday.jpg
grandpa birthday.jpg
grandpa birthday.jpg
papa birthday.jpg
papa birthday.jpg
Tara birthday.jpg
Tara birthday.jpg
Gramma birthday.jpg
Gramma birthday.jpg
dad copy.jpg
dad copy.jpg
2010 card.jpg
2010 card.jpg
wedding collage.jpg
wedding collage.jpg