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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Mexico >> Tijuana 2018 > The Dome
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The Dome

IMAX Theater, Tijuana Cultural Center

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g IF-ED AF-S DX VR
1/250s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Buz Kiefer22-Jul-2018 15:40
Very unusual architecture captured perfectly. Very nice, Walter. V
Zoltán Balogh22-Jul-2018 07:39
Wonderful photograph Walter. V
woody3421-Jul-2018 01:05
Amazing architecture, and you have captured it so well..V
Patricia Kay21-Jul-2018 00:14
Great image of this unusual building Walter....BV
Stephanie20-Jul-2018 21:36
Fascinating shape to the building! Great capture Walter! V
globalgadabout20-Jul-2018 19:50
intriguing...there is the suggestion of delights inside though..
Zeeby20-Jul-2018 19:08
Such an unusual structure, very futuristic! V
Julie Oldfield20-Jul-2018 18:43
So cool! V
Ton T.20-Jul-2018 17:45
Magnificent building Walter and you captured it perfect! V
Frank Tran20-Jul-2018 16:52
Well composed and captured. V+
laine20-Jul-2018 16:43
The hint of green has softened the harshness of concrete so well....a great capture. V
William Barletta20-Jul-2018 16:35
Excellent image of this interesting building ~V~
Jim Coffman20-Jul-2018 16:31
What an amazing building.. Nice capture, Walter..
Chris Gibbins20-Jul-2018 15:59
That sure is weird architecture! Nicely captured, though.
Frank Brault20-Jul-2018 15:57
Very interesting architecture. A fine capture. V
MarcViskens20-Jul-2018 15:53
very nice captured Waltre
joseantonio20-Jul-2018 15:42
spectacular construction.V
Carl Carbone20-Jul-2018 15:42
Crazy architecture! Nice capture.
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