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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Mexico >> Tijuana 2018 > Border Obelisk
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Border Obelisk

One of the original markers erected in 1889 marking the border between the U.S. and Mexico.
It is carved from a single block of marble. The border fence is behind it.
The tower is located behind a second fence about one hundred yards away.
Between the fences is no-mans land.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g IF-ED AF-S DX VR
1/320s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield17-Jul-2018 01:01
Wow......we live in a virtual prison. V
Ton T.14-Jul-2018 16:27
Fences are for jails not for borders! Nevertheless an impressive image Walter V
Ursula Miller14-Jul-2018 06:03
An impressive image with its story , I don’t like border fences... V
joseantonio14-Jul-2018 04:22
not a nice image with the fence behind.V.
woody3414-Jul-2018 03:51
Such a powerful image ,a long history...V
Neil Marcus14-Jul-2018 03:30
A shame that these two countries have to go through this. Stupid hostility on our part.We could have helped Mexico to be financially dependent for the benefit of both.
Dennis Hoyne14-Jul-2018 00:55
No fences on the northern border, why the southern? V
carol j. phipps13-Jul-2018 23:42
Such a powerful image for our times.
Don Mottershead13-Jul-2018 23:31
Seems to symbolize a deteriorating relationship. Strong image.
Graeme13-Jul-2018 22:00
An interesting obelisk and fencing. Good info too, Walter.V
globalgadabout13-Jul-2018 21:59
the marker seems fair enough, but the fence so hostile...the old divide between East and West Germany comes to mind..
Frank Tran13-Jul-2018 21:56
Very interesting image and info! V+
Jim Coffman13-Jul-2018 21:15
A very interesting image!
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