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Nikon D700 ,Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di Macro
1/640s f/5.6 at 180.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don05-Apr-2020 23:35
Excellent low-light effect.
Carol Rollins27-Jan-2016 03:31
This is stunning.
Julie Oldfield27-Jan-2016 02:06
So pretty. The detail is superb. V
Patricia Kay26-Jan-2016 13:55
Absolutely gorgeous Walter... BV
janescottcumming25-Jan-2016 23:31
What a marvelous rich yellow! V
Stephanie25-Jan-2016 22:41
Wonderful detailed capture of this lily Walter! I looks so good on the dark background! V
Neil Marcus25-Jan-2016 21:47
Very well done, Walter Big vote
bill friedlander25-Jan-2016 21:03
Fresh and beautiful. Looks great with the dark background. V
Jeff Real25-Jan-2016 20:57
This is a stunning work of such great beauty ~V~
marie-jose wolff25-Jan-2016 20:57
I love the warm color of the lily, superb details! V
Colin Storey25-Jan-2016 20:31
Beautiful detailed and colourful close up.
globalgadabout25-Jan-2016 20:30
fabulously formed flower, and deluxe colour..fine work..
Ken Chambers ARPS25-Jan-2016 20:15
The rain drops make a beautiful picture Walter
joseantonio25-Jan-2016 20:08
Exceptional beauty captured nicely.V.
Allan Jay25-Jan-2016 19:54
Stunning work as is your usual Walrer.
Frank Brault25-Jan-2016 19:43
Gorgeous color and textures. Lovely. V
Gerard Koehl25-Jan-2016 19:32
Wow... Splendide. V
LynnH25-Jan-2016 19:32
Nice deep colors and contrast! V
carabias25-Jan-2016 19:20
Color maravilloso, Walter! V
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