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Blue Spotted Tree Monitor.
Exclusively found on the island of Batanta in Indonesia.

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/200s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean D24-May-2014 01:38
Excellent capture with superb detail. ~V
Frank Brault21-May-2014 12:14
A marvelous portrait Walter! Superbly composed with a wonderful clarity. Gorgeous tonality. V
Jim Coffman19-May-2014 12:08
A very sharp and very detailed capture,Walter..
Carol How19-May-2014 07:38
Amazing little critter! Wonderful texture, tones and composition Walter! V
Hernan E. Enriquez19-May-2014 07:12
Wonderful color and details Walter! V
Gerard Koehl19-May-2014 07:01
Fantastique... V
danad19-May-2014 06:43
A beautiful image : details, colors and textures are superb ! V.
David Buzzeo19-May-2014 06:00
I love everything about the image: the colour, the texture, the detail, the composition, and the treatment. Well done. V
globalgadabout19-May-2014 05:54
what wondrous colour it has...ace shot Walter...V
joseantonio19-May-2014 04:05
Very nice work at 400.0mm.Great details.V.
Guest 19-May-2014 03:44
Neil Marcus19-May-2014 03:43
I like the composition. It adds art to it.
Don19-May-2014 02:51
Now that's the life to have! Great photo, Walter.
Sam Rua19-May-2014 02:47
Gorgeous capture of this lizard, Walter. Looks to be a Blue-spotted tree monitor, yes?
larose forest photos19-May-2014 00:48
Amazingly detailed image of this gorgeous creature. V+
John Lamb19-May-2014 00:47
Slinky. Excellent at 400mm Walter.~v~
woody3419-May-2014 00:46
I know these creatures can really move fast,but here he he looks as if he just wants to slink along and blend in...Wonderful capture from mature,Walter.V
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