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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Automotive >> British Cars >
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/400s f/5.6 at 45.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Carol Rollins15-Oct-2013 13:27
Nice! Beautiful car and a great perspective. ~
Frank Brault15-Oct-2013 02:55
What a fabulous beauty and image! V
Karen Stuebing14-Oct-2013 20:38
This looks British. Beautiful automobile and capture. I like the silver paint. V.
John Reynolds LRPS14-Oct-2013 20:25
A great looking car. Well captured, Walter. V.
Colin Storey14-Oct-2013 19:28
Fantastic car and image of it from this great low angle. v
J. Scott Coile14-Oct-2013 18:47
I can remember reading books about the history of racing and being amazed by the high risks taken by the early racers.
John Lamb14-Oct-2013 18:02
One to savor Walter. Nice point of view.
Kim14-Oct-2013 17:00
Wow What a beauty!! great image Walter, V
fotabug14-Oct-2013 16:58
Love that car! Fine image!
Jim Coffman14-Oct-2013 16:53
Wow,what a great composition of the beauty!
coaster14-Oct-2013 16:29
Excellent shot of a beautiful auto.
joseantonio14-Oct-2013 16:24
The owner must be really proud.V.
Mary Hamilton14-Oct-2013 15:34
What a pretty automobile! Great angle for the photo.
Marcia Colelli14-Oct-2013 15:24
Great car and nice perspective. V
Tom LeRoy14-Oct-2013 15:05
A great looking car, love the wire wheels. Fine colors and placement by the palms. V
danad14-Oct-2013 15:01
A superb capture ! V.
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