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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Architecture >> Walt Disney Concert Hall >
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
1/800s f/11.0 at 14.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
John Lamb24-Jul-2012 18:56
A simple yet powerful image Walter.
Guest 24-Jul-2012 18:19
Wonderful geometry and light. v
Guest 24-Jul-2012 18:19
Wonderful geometry and light. v
John Reynolds LRPS24-Jul-2012 17:33
Impressive view - well composed. V.
fotabug24-Jul-2012 15:48
A wonderful composition! The beauty of modern architecture (some of it)!
globalgadabout24-Jul-2012 15:28
this curvaceous structure certainly has flair..
LynnH24-Jul-2012 15:20
Perfect shadow and light play. V
Patrick F24-Jul-2012 14:17
Great shot, very well composed!!!! Bv!
Gerard Koehl24-Jul-2012 14:13
Splendide... V
Tom LeRoy24-Jul-2012 14:05
Really like these sweeping lines and corners. Excellent perspective and clarity. V
Jim's Atavistic Visions24-Jul-2012 13:39
The possibilities are endless! Good work.
Lillian Rodriguez24-Jul-2012 13:25
Love these wavy and textured lines! Perfect capture! BV
Stephanie24-Jul-2012 13:14
Brilliant image! BV
Pierre24-Jul-2012 13:10
Une prise de vue de toute beauté, une belle perspective tout en courbes! BV
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