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Alida Thorpe | all galleries >> Galleries >> Long Island, NY Images > Walking to the Pines, Fire Island
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18-AUG-2007 © 2007 Alida Thorpe

Walking to the Pines, Fire Island

Fire Island National Seashore, Long Island, NY


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Coleen Perilloux Landry24-Aug-2007 18:50
The lighting and scenery in this is sooooo good. I have not been to the beach yet this year and really have a yearning.
joanteno24-Aug-2007 15:11
Great shot!
Bryan Ramsay24-Aug-2007 14:01
Looks like a gorgeous day on the beach! -BJ
QUERIDO24-Aug-2007 12:46
Excellent Shot V
Alida Thorpe24-Aug-2007 12:16
Hmm, I think we all took this shot!
Guest 24-Aug-2007 12:14
I think I've seen this shot from one of the other girls in the group, LOL! Tough lighting into the sun, but very nice. What a great day that was.
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