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Alex Uchôa | all galleries >> Projetos >> Seleção fotos Guia 4 Rodas Embratur >> Paraná > Cataratas do Iguacu - Foz do Iguacu- PR 9818
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Cataratas do Iguacu - Foz do Iguacu- PR 9818

Cataratas de Foz do Iguaçu, incomparavelmente a mais espetacular cachoeira do mundo.

Iguacu Falls, the most spectacular waterfall in the world

Canon EOS 5D
1/13s f/22.0 at 38.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Gilles Navet04-Sep-2015 08:44
Le grand moment pour ce paysage
V Gilles
GeneWard09-Mar-2009 21:52
this is a wonderful shot, the rainbow really makes it great. V.
Bill Ewart Jr04-Oct-2008 01:36
I'm so glad I happened to see your gallery! Incredible and stunning!
Now I want to visit Brazil~
carol j. phipps04-Oct-2008 01:19
Absolutely incredible! V
Jim's Atavistic Visions26-Sep-2008 00:37
Outstanding! (v)
Guest 25-Sep-2008 01:37
That is AMAZING!!!!!! BIG VOTE
Jean D22-Aug-2008 01:04
Terrific capture of these majestic falls with that beautiful rainbow, Alex! ~V~
Guest 11-Jun-2008 01:19
What a Fine Shot!