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Alex Uchôa | all galleries >> Rio de Janeiro >> Mirantes do Rio de Janeiro >> Mirante Dona Marta > Baia Guanabara, mirante Dona Marta, Rio de Janeiro 9862
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Baia Guanabara, mirante Dona Marta, Rio de Janeiro 9862

Canon EOS 5D
30s f/8.0 at 45.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 21-Sep-2008 05:10
Jeff Doden21-Sep-2008 05:02
Absolutly awesome. Very nice exposure !!!
Alvaro Velloso01-Sep-2008 23:03
Muito legais estas suas fotos, e bem estudadas. Abraços e obrigado por compartilhar.
Guest 30-Aug-2008 15:14
Wow! Is this every spectacular!
Yves Rubin24-Aug-2008 16:52
Beautiful and superbly composed. V!
Jean D22-Aug-2008 00:57
Outstanding early evening shot of Rio! Perfect exposure and a very magical finish! ~V~