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Bert Ooms | all galleries >> South Africa and Namibia >> Birds of South Africa and Namibia >> South Africa Sunbirds > Orange-breasted Sunbird PSLR-9981 NiS.jpg
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27-Jan-2014 Bert Ooms

Orange-breasted Sunbird PSLR-9981 NiS.jpg

Kirstenbosch botanical garden

Orange-breasted Sunbird (Anthobaphes violacea) male foraging on flowers of Ruby Lace (Erica verticillata)

Nikon D300S
1/200s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Marco Valk13-Jan-2016 18:02
Mooie plaat; wat een prachtvogel.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal11-Jan-2016 07:16
Wat een prachtige kleuren, heel mooi Bert. V
Gr Ton
Hank Vander Velde11-Jan-2016 02:37
Beautiful bird and image Bert.
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