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Allan Jay | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2018 - East Coast - Canada > Coastal Bliss...
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Coastal Bliss...


Day 3 - P.E.I.

Cavendish, P.E.I.

The third day we were P.E.I. we visited
Cavendish. A lovely coastal area that
captivated us with its beauty!

Sony Alpha α7R III
1/1600s f/4.5 at 135.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Julie Oldfield27-Sep-2018 02:04
Fantastic detail and bokeh. V
danad23-Sep-2018 16:03
Superb colors and composition. V.
larose forest photos23-Sep-2018 01:11
Such a beautiful shot of the yarrow; great light and good background. V
Range View 22-Sep-2018 23:53
Splendid image well captured Allan.
Wim Ensie22-Sep-2018 22:29
Simply beautiful!!!
Tom Munson22-Sep-2018 20:48
Wonderful colors and framing. Nice work!