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Allan Jay | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo of the Week > Coastal Bliss...
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Coastal Bliss...


Bay of Fundy - Nova Scotia

We enjoyed the coastal scenes in the
Bay of Fundy area.

Sony Alpha α7R III
1/200s f/11.0 at 15.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Arthur Lebacq04-Jun-2021 08:42
Like the way you have captured this beautiful coast line....perfect angle and composition....well done....VV
Dave Berry11-Oct-2018 18:55
It sure looks blissful to me. Wonderful capture of a gorgeous spot. V
Zoltán Balogh03-Sep-2018 05:19
I like it very much, outstanding. V
Buz Kiefer31-Aug-2018 16:21
Impressive seascape. The inclusion of the home on the bluff is an excellent compositional element. V
Graeme28-Aug-2018 10:28
I love this wide angle view of the beach and the following coast line as it disappears into the distance, Allan.V!!!
Julie Oldfield22-Aug-2018 01:07
A very beautiful composition. I like the rocks in the foreground and the towering POV. V
Martin Lamoon20-Aug-2018 18:23
Stunning view, the air quality must b e amazing to get such a clear capture.
Alexander Kazakov20-Aug-2018 08:48
Wonderful view! V
Jeff Real19-Aug-2018 13:50
What a nice composition to give the viewer a nice peaceful feeling
Range View 18-Aug-2018 22:55
A wonderful well composed coastal scene Allan.
Hank Vander Velde18-Aug-2018 22:04
Sorry that should be Allan.
Hank Vander Velde18-Aug-2018 22:03
A nice well composed image Jay.
globalgadabout18-Aug-2018 19:30
scenic here, and a lively coast too...admire the strong and well-chosen foreground elements..
Tom Munson18-Aug-2018 18:38
Beautiful capture, Al. A place I'd like to visit.
Neil Marcus18-Aug-2018 17:52
A pretty scene with beautiful color and detail. "V"