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Lunenberg - Nova Scotia

We visited as many sites as we could during our recent
trip to Halifax. Lunenberg is designated as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site.

Sony Alpha α7R III
1/125s f/16.0 at 40.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Julie Oldfield18-Aug-2018 02:03
Beautiful light and detail. Well composed too. V
Dave Berry13-Aug-2018 20:36
Our favorite vacation was a trip to Maine and spending a week on one of the old windjammers sailing along the coast. This is a beauty! BV
Stephanie12-Aug-2018 13:21
A beautiful ship and scene! V
laine12-Aug-2018 05:40
The oldies certainly win the prizes for beauty. A lovely composition. V
Jeff Real11-Aug-2018 13:58
This is such a great composition
danad11-Aug-2018 09:42
A superb image. V.
Anitta11-Aug-2018 08:51
The bow of the ship looks just amazing. Must be a very beautiful ship. V
Martin Lamoon10-Aug-2018 21:53
A great picture with the bow of the old ship and the modern masts.
Jim Coffman10-Aug-2018 17:33
Splendid work, Al!!