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Sunbird Photos by Don Boyd | all galleries >> Airports and Airport Construction Photo Galleries >> BNA - Nashville International Airport Photos Gallery > Former FAA ATC Tower at Nashville International Airport stock photo
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31-AUG-2002 © Sunbird Photos by Don Boyd

Former FAA ATC Tower at Nashville International Airport stock photo

Nashville Int'l Airport

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Sunbird Photos by Don Boyd23-Mar-2004 15:33
Thank you for that information. It's a shame they don't preserve some historical buildings like some airports (Newark comes to mind) do. I'll shoot it again next week when I'm up there, hopefully with airliners behind it taking off on 31.
JP White21-Mar-2004 18:39
They're fixing to tear down this tower with all the construction that's going on in this location in 2004. Treasure this photograph, you won't be able to repeat it.