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North Vietnam

Our photographic tour of Northern Vietnam starts in Lai Cai, located in the north-western region of the country. Lao Cai shares border with China Province of Yunnan.
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Dao Girl
Dao Girl
Dao People
Dao People
Cosy chat
Cosy chat
Young Mother
Young Mother
Young Dao woman and her little girl.
Young Dao woman and her little girl.
A little bit shy,
A little bit shy,
Dao Girl collecting firewood
Dao Girl collecting firewood
Dao Girl
Dao Girl
Let the children be children, let them play!
Let the children be children, let them play!
.... but sometimes the kids have to lend a helping hand.
.... but sometimes the kids have to lend a helping hand.
Having fun
Having fun
Black Hmong
Black Hmong
The cute girl from yesterday is my sister.
The cute girl from yesterday is my sister.
... the little boy doesn't trust it...
... the little boy doesn't trust it...
The whole family
The whole family
...and the pup
...and the pup
Black Hmong girl near Sa Pa
Black Hmong girl near Sa Pa
.... same girl, other look.
.... same girl, other look.
Children playing in a little village near Sa Pa
Children playing in a little village near Sa Pa
Children along the way to Sa Pa
Children along the way to Sa Pa
Local street market
Local street market
Hard labor
Hard labor
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