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Robert Kitay | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Hello and welcome to my travel photos website. The main purpose of this site is to share my travel photos with my friends and family, as well as to help other travelers plan their trips. With these photos, I am not trying to show my best photos but rather to give you a sense of place. I hope that these photos will give you an idea of what a place is like, not just the most beautiful things but also everyday street scenes which will give you a true feel for the place. Please contact me if you would like to use any of these photographs or if you would like to purchase a high quality print of any of the photographs. To date I have visited 67 countries. I have galleries for 62 of these and will be adding the others in the coming weeks and months. The missing countries are Egypt, Japan, Italy, England and France. Please come back to see those. Also, please leave me a note in my guestbook as it always makes my day to see that people are actually visiting these galleries. That is what makes this all worth while. Here are the galleries:
gallery: Asia
gallery: Australia
gallery: Caribbean
gallery: Europe
Mexico and Central America
gallery: Mexico and Central America
Pacific Island Nations
gallery: Pacific Island Nations
South America
gallery: South America
USA and Canada
gallery: USA and Canada
Whitewater Rafting
gallery: Whitewater Rafting
Miscellaneous Non-Travel Photos
gallery: Miscellaneous Non-Travel Photos
gallery: Concerts
gallery: Sports