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Robert Kitay | profile | all galleries >> Whitewater Rafting >> Ayung River, Bali, Indonesia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ayung River, Bali, Indonesia

The Ayung is beautiful river in a deep canyon. The rapids are fairly mild with a maximum of Class II. Still, the beauty of the canyon makes the trip worth while. If you are going, you should be aware that there is a long, steep hike out the the canyon at the end of the day.
Whitewater Rafting the Ayung River
Whitewater Rafting the Ayung River
Ayung River Rapids
Ayung River Rapids
Ayung River Rapids
Ayung River Rapids
Waterfall on the Ayung River
Waterfall on the Ayung River
Waterfall on the Ayung River
Waterfall on the Ayung River
Having fun on the Ayung River
Having fun on the Ayung River
The Beautiful Ayung River
The Beautiful Ayung River
Lush Green Bali
Lush Green Bali
Boy Bathing in the River
Boy Bathing in the River
Boy Bathing in the River
Boy Bathing in the River