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Welcome to my galleries. This is the main gallery which houses all the rest. I have been a serious amateur photographer for over 60 years but I've only been shooting digital for about 5 years. I hope you enjoy looking at some of these pictures. Feel free to comment if you like and even leave a message in the guest book if you're so inclined

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Minolta Rokkor on Olympus E-300 flower shots
:: Minolta Rokkor on Olympus E-300 flower shots ::
:: HOT RODS ::
Barn Stormers in Iowa
:: Barn Stormers in Iowa ::
Shots made with E-300 and Minolta Rokkor Lenses
:: Shots made with E-300 and Minolta Rokkor Lenses ::
B-17 visits Ames
:: B-17 visits Ames ::
BackYard Flowers
:: BackYard Flowers ::
Wren babies, adults and a wren house.
:: Wren babies, adults and a wren house. ::
:: zuiko_18180_shots ::
Central Iowa Fall Colors
:: Central Iowa Fall Colors ::
Small friends of the Yard
:: Small friends of the Yard ::
Winter Feeding
:: Winter Feeding ::
At the Des Moines Zoo
:: At the Des Moines Zoo ::
Random shots with a 30mm prime lens
:: Random shots with a 30mm prime lens ::
Special Shots
:: Special Shots ::
Light Tent Shots
:: Light Tent Shots ::
Night Mauraders
:: Night Mauraders ::
HDR Shots
:: HDR Shots ::
Lewis & Clark Lake on the Missouri
:: Lewis & Clark Lake on the Missouri ::
Fireworks 2009
:: Fireworks 2009 ::
Iowa's Doolittle Prairie
:: Iowa's Doolittle Prairie ::
World Wide Photo Walk 2009
:: World Wide Photo Walk 2009 ::
Des Moines Renaissance Faire
:: Des Moines Renaissance Faire ::
Maxwell Old Settlers Reunion
:: Maxwell Old Settlers Reunion ::
Panasonic (Leica) 14-50mm f/2.8-3.5 OIS on Olympus E-330
:: Panasonic (Leica) 14-50mm f/2.8-3.5 OIS on Olympus E-330 ::
Skunk River Flats in the cold
:: Skunk River Flats in the cold ::
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